Items filtered by date: February 2024

Tuesday, 27 February 2024 00:00

Toe Pain

Toe pain can originate from corns, calluses, hammertoes, and bunions, as well as ingrown toenails, sprains, fractures, and dislocations. Corns develop as the toe rubs against the inside of a shoe which causes the skin to thicken as a form of protection. A corn is typically cone-shaped and has a small, hardened spot that points inward. When a corn is pressed into the skin, the toe becomes painful. Corns usually form on the top or side of the toe. A callus is also a thickened patch of skin that generally forms on the bottom of the foot. Calluses are the result of friction from the toe rubbing against the inside of a shoe. They may also occur by walking barefoot or having flat feet. A hammertoe is a bump on the knuckle of the second toe that is produced by wearing shoes that are too short for your feet. The bony protrusion rubs against the top of the shoe causing pain and irritation. A bunion is a malformation of the big toe. The base of the big toe pushes away from the smaller toes, forcing the top of the big toe to press toward the other toes. Bunions can be hereditary, or they can result from injury to the toe joint or from wearing high heels with a narrow toe box. The toe becomes inflamed, and a bump may develop at the end of the misplaced bone. Ingrown toenails typically affect the big toe and its surrounding skin. The nail will dig into the skin and become painful. Wearing tight or narrow shoes that compress the big toe causes the nail to grow into the fleshy part of the toe. Cutting toenails incorrectly can also add to the development of an ingrown toenail. A toe sprain originates from a torn or stretched ligament. Strapping the injured toe to the toe next to it for stabilization is common. A broken or fractured toe usually occurs from trauma like dropping a heavy object on it or bumping into something extremely hard and rigid. Osteoporosis, a thinning of the bones, can also bring about toe fractures. 

Any of the conditions mentioned can lead to pain and irritation. While some are more serious than others, seeking an examination and diagnosis from a podiatrist is a good idea. A podiatrist can treat each ailment and get you back on your feet again without pain.


Tuesday, 27 February 2024 00:00

Pain in the Big Toe Joint

Pain in the big toe joint is a common source of discomfort that affects mobility and overall quality of life for many individuals. Whether stemming from age-related wear and tear, conditions like bunions, or physical injuries, understanding the underlying causes is vital for effective management. Hallux rigidus, characterized by joint degeneration and restricted movement, often accompanies osteoarthritis and may require surgical intervention in severe cases. Bunions are bony protrusions that often necessitate changes in footwear and orthotic support, with surgery as a potential solution for more severe cases. Physical injuries to the big toe joint can lead to swelling, pain, and an increased risk of developing arthritis or other joint-related issues. When conservative treatments fail to provide adequate relief, surgical options such as bunionectomy, joint realignment, or fusion may be needed. If you have persistent pain in the big toe, it is suggested that you make an appointment with a podiatrist for an exam and a diagnosis, before deciding on the right treatment. 

Toe pain can disrupt your daily activities. If you have any concerns, contact Mital Patel, DPM of South Shore Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

What Causes Toe Pain?

Most severe toe pain is caused due to a sports injury, trauma from dropping something heavy on the toe, or bumping into something rigid. Other problems can develop over time for various reasons.

Toe pain can be caused by one or more ailments. The most common include:

  • Trauma
  • Sports injury
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight
  • Arthritis
  • Gout
  • Corns and calluses
  • Hammertoe
  • Bunions
  • Blisters
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Sprains
  • Fractures (broken bones)
  • Dislocations

When to See a Podiatrist

  • Severe pain
  • Persistent pain that lasts more than a week
  • Signs of infection
  • Continued swelling
  • Pain that prevents walking


In many cases the cause of toe pain is obvious, but in others, a podiatrist may want to use more advanced methods to determine the problem. These can range from simple visual inspections and sensation tests to X-rays and MRI scans. Prior medical history, family medical history, and any recent physical traumatic events will all be taken into consideration for a proper diagnosis.


Treatments for toe pain and injuries vary and may include shoe inserts, padding, taping, medicines, injections, and in some cases, surgery. If you believe that you have broken a toe, please see a podiatrist as soon as possible.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Massapequa, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Toe Pain

Suffering from chronic ingrown toenails? There is a procedure that works! Contact us about phenol and alcohol matrixectomy for ingrown toenails.

Tuesday, 20 February 2024 00:00

Understanding Corns and Calluses

Corns and Calluses are both hardened layers of thickened skin that develop because of friction. Both ailments are typically found on the feet and may be unsightly. Although they have similarities, corns and calluses are different from each other.

Some causes of corns and calluses may be wearing ill-fitting shoes and not wearing socks. If you wear tight shoes, your feet will constantly be forced to rub against the shoes, causing friction. If you fail to wear socks, you are also causing your feet to endure excess friction.

There are some signs that may help you determine whether you have one of these two conditions. The first symptom is a thick, rough area of skin. Another common symptom is a hardened, raised bump on the foot. You may also experience tenderness or pain under the skin in addition to flaky, dry, or waxy skin.

There are also risk factors that may make someone more prone to developing corns and calluses. If you are already dealing with bunions or hammertoe, you may be more vulnerable to having corns and calluses as well. Other risk factors are foot deformities such as bone spurs, which can cause constant rubbing inside the shoe.

Corns tend to be smaller than calluses and they usually have a hard center surrounded by inflamed skin. They also tend to develop on the parts of the body that don’t bear as much weight such as the tops and sides of toes. Corns may also be painful for those who have them. On the other hand, calluses are rarely painful. These tend to develop on the bottom of the feet and may vary in size and shape.

Fortunately, most people only need treatment for corns and calluses if they are experiencing discomfort. At home treatments for corns and calluses should be avoided, because they will likely lead to infection. If you have either of these ailments it is advised that you consult with your podiatrist to determine the best treatment option for you.

Tuesday, 20 February 2024 00:00

Professional Removal of Corns

Corns, small areas of thickened skin that develop on the feet due to friction or pressure, can cause discomfort and pain if left untreated. These hardened patches often form on areas of the feet subjected to repeated rubbing from ill-fitting shoes, abnormal foot mechanics, or prolonged standing. Corns can interfere with daily activities, and professional removal methods offer long-lasting solutions for persistent corns. Podiatrists and foot specialists employ various techniques to safely and effectively remove corns, depending on their severity and location. Common removal methods include paring, where the thickened skin is carefully trimmed using specialized instruments, and chemical treatments, such as salicylic acid solutions, to dissolve the hardened tissue. In cases where corns are deeply embedded or accompanied by underlying foot issues, podiatrists may recommend orthotic devices or corrective measures to alleviate pressure and prevent recurrence. Seeking professional care from a podiatrist for corn removal ensures proper treatment and reduces the risk of complications, promoting optimal foot health and comfort for individuals dealing with this foot ailment. If you have a corn on your foot, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist who can successfully remove the corn, in addition to offering you effective prevention techniques.

Corns can make walking very painful and should be treated immediately. If you have questions regarding your feet and ankles, contact Mital Patel, DPM of South Shore Podiatry. Our doctor will treat your foot and ankle needs.

Corns: What Are They? And How Do You Get Rid of Them?
Corns are thickened areas on the skin that can become painful. They are caused by excessive pressure and friction on the skin. Corns press into the deeper layers of the skin and are usually round in shape.

Ways to Prevent Corns
There are many ways to get rid of painful corns such as:

  • Wearing properly fitting shoes that have been measured by a professional
  • Wearing shoes that are not sharply pointed or have high heels
  • Wearing only shoes that offer support

Treating Corns

Although most corns slowly disappear when the friction or pressure stops, this isn’t always the case. Consult with your podiatrist to determine the best treatment option for your case of corns.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Massapequa, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Understanding Corns and Calluses
Tuesday, 13 February 2024 00:00

Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a frustrating problem that affects many people. It can be persistent and hard to get rid of. As many different types of fungi are present throughout the environment, it is very easy to contract toenail fungus.  

The feet are especially susceptible to toenail fungus because shoes and socks create the ideal dark and moist environment that fungal infections thrive in. While fungal infections of the nail plate are quite common, if left untreated they can spread beyond the toenail and into the skin and other parts of the body.

Signs of toenail fungus include a thickened nail that has become yellow or brown in color, a foul smell, and debris beneath the nail. The toe may become painful due to the pressure of a thicker nail or the buildup of debris.

Treatment for toenail fungus is most effective during the early stages of an infection. If there is an accumulation of debris beneath the nail plate, an ingrown nail or a more serious infection can occur. While each treatment varies between patients, your podiatrist may prescribe you oral medications, topical liquids and creams, or laser therapy. To determine the best treatment process for you, be sure to visit your podiatrist at the first signs of toenail fungus.

Toenail fungus, a common and contagious nail infection, can be impacted by footwear. Understanding how shoes can contribute to toenail fungus is the first step toward the prevention and recurrence of fungal infections. Tight, ill-fitting shoes create the right environment for fungus to grow, because these shoes trap sweat and moisture and provide a warm, dark space. Airflow helps keep feet dry, but tighter shoes often don’t have good ventilation. On the other hand, breathable, moisture-wicking footwear can reduce the risk of toenail fungus. Fungal infections are contagious, so it’s best to avoid sharing shoes. Regularly disinfecting shoes can also help prevent the spread of fungal infections. Not only are your feet happier overall when you prioritize comfort, proper fit, and breathability in your shoes, but you also minimize the likelihood of toenail fungus taking hold and persisting. If you suspect toenail fungus, it is suggested you consult with a podiatrist who can provide a treatment plan and personalized recommendations for footwear. 

For more information about treatment, contact Mital Patel, DPM of South Shore Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Toenail Fungus Treatment

Toenail fungus is a condition that affects many people and can be especially hard to get rid of. Fortunately, there are several methods to go about treating and avoiding it.

Antifungals & Deterrence

Oral antifungal medicine has been shown to be effective in many cases. It is important to consult with a podiatrist to determine the proper regiment for you, or potentially explore other options.

Applying foot powder on the feet and shoes helps keep the feet free of moisture and sweat.

Sandals or open toed shoes – Wearing these will allow air movement and help keep feet dry. They also expose your feet to light, which fungus cannot tolerate. Socks with moisture wicking material also help as well.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Massapequa, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.

Read more about Toenail Fungus
Tuesday, 06 February 2024 00:00

Ingrown Toenails

An ingrown toenail is a nail that has curved downward and grown into the skin.  This typically occurs at either the nail borders or the sides of the nail.  As a result, pain, redness, swelling, and warmth may occur in the toe.  If a break in the skin forms due to the ingrown nail, bacteria may enter and cause an infection in the area; this is typically characterized by a foul odor and drainage.

Ingrown toenails have multiple reasons for developing.  In many instances, the condition is a result of genetics and is inherited.  The most common cause, however, is improper trimming; cutting the toenails too short forces the skin beside the nail to fold over.  An ingrown toenail can also develop due to trauma, such as stubbing the toe, having an object fall on the toe, or participating in activities that involve repeated kicking or running.  Wearing shoes that are too tight or too short can also cause ingrown toenails.

Treatment for an ingrown toenail varies between patients and the severity of the condition.  In most cases, it is best to see your podiatrist for thorough and proper treatment.  After examining your toe, your podiatrist may prescribe oral antibiotics to clear the infection if one is present.  Surgical removal of either a portion of the nail or the entire nail may also be considered.  In some cases, complete removal or destruction of the nail root may be required.  Most patients who undergo nail surgery experience minimal pain afterward and can return to normal activity the following day.

Ingrown toenails can be prevented with proper nail trimming and by avoiding improper-fitting shoes.  When cutting the toenails, be sure that you are cutting in a straight line and avoid cutting them too short.  Shoes should not be too short or tight in the toe box.

Tuesday, 06 February 2024 00:00

Definition of Partial and Total Nail Avulsion

When grappling with the discomfort of ingrown toenails, partial and total nail avulsion emerges as a viable solution. Partial nail avulsion involves the removal of a portion of the affected nail, addressing the ingrown edge, and providing relief. This procedure aims to eliminate the problematic segment while preserving the overall integrity of the nail. Conversely, total nail avulsion involves completely removing the toenail, offering a more comprehensive approach to severe or recurrent ingrown toenails. Both procedures are typically performed under local anesthesia to minimize discomfort. Proper postoperative care is vital to promote healing and prevent complications following avulsion. Understanding the differences between partial and total nail avulsion allows individuals to make informed decisions in collaboration with podiatrists. If you have developed an ingrown toenail, it is strongly suggested that you are under the care of a podiatrist who can determine if one of these types of surgery is right for you.

Ingrown toenails may initially present themselves as a minor discomfort, but they may progress into an infection in the skin without proper treatment. For more information about ingrown toenails, contact Mital Patel, DPM of South Shore Podiatry. Our doctor can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.

Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails are caused when the corner or side of a toenail grows into the soft flesh surrounding it. They often result in redness, swelling, pain, and in some cases, infection. This condition typically affects the big toe and may recur if it is not treated properly.


  • Improper toenail trimming
  • Genetics
  • Improper shoe fitting
  • Injury from pedicures or nail picking
  • Abnormal gait
  • Poor hygiene

You are more likely to develop an ingrown toenail if you are obese, have diabetes, arthritis, or have any fungal infection in your nails. Additionally, people who have foot or toe deformities are at a higher risk of developing an ingrown toenail.


Some symptoms of ingrown toenails are redness, swelling, and pain. In rare cases, there may be a yellowish drainage coming from the nail.


Ignoring an ingrown toenail can have serious complications. Infections of the nail border can progress to a deeper soft-tissue infection, which can then turn into a bone infection. You should always speak with your podiatrist if you suspect you have an ingrown toenail, especially if you have diabetes or poor circulation.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Massapequa, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.

Read more about Ingrown Toenails